

In recent years, there has been a great shift in social awareness. Social responsibility, sustainable action, protection of minorities and conservation of limited resources are now common knowledge.

We welcome this change and embrace these modern values as our own.

Almost every day we are reminded that as a society we need to treat the environment, available resources and our (fellow) humans more responsibly. As a company, we face this challenge and adhere to ethical, ecological and economic principles. This includes taking responsibility towards customers, suppliers, employees (including those within our supply chain), the society and the environment – naturally in compliance with all laws and binding legal standards.

Since we are an internationally operating company, it is particularly important for us to identify and eliminate all challenges associated with our actions. Ethically correct behaviour as well as environmental protection and social justice therefore play a
central role.

In order to tackle these challenges we will further:

➜ Promote acting sustainable

➜ Act responsibly

➜ Enhance transparency in our supply chain

➜ Use resources sparingly and promote measures that contribute to the protection of natural resources

➜ Use our direct influence as a provider of packaging services and make them more sustainable

Erfahren Sie mehr über Nachhaltigkeit bei ATCO in unserem Nachhaltigkeitsbericht.

Auszeichnung mit der Silber-Medaille durch EcoVadis (CSR-Rating Plattform).

Im Jahr 2023 konnten wir bei der jährlichen Überprüfung durch EcoVadis eine Silber Bewertung erreichen. Damit liegen wir unter den Top 15% aller bewerteten Unternehmen.