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Walnuts are characterised by a very high content of healthy, unsaturated fatty acids and are among the most popular varieties of nuts in Germany.

Origin of walnuts

The walnut belongs to the family of walnut plants. A range of species belong to this family, with the “English walnut” being predominantly widespread in Central Europe. The origin of this variety – also known as the “Persian walnut” – lies in the Balkans and the Near East, where the plant is prevalent in both wild and cultivated form. Overall, around 20 species belong to the genus. The most well-known are the “eastern black walnut” and “butternut” from North America. The “Chandler walnut” is rather special; this variety was introduced to the market in 1979 and has meanwhile established itself as California’s most well-known nut variety. The Chandler walnut enjoys popularity worldwide and the walnut is also imported to Germany in significant quantities. This variety is characterised by a smooth surface and oval shape.

The plants and their walnut kernels are prevalent in numerous varieties. They mainly vary in terms of growth behaviour as well as the appearance of the fruit. Generally, walnuts are found in temperate to subtropical regions in the northern hemisphere. The most important production countries today are China, the USA, Iran, Turkey and Mexico. We import walnuts primarily from the USA as well as France, India and Chile. The USA is considered the most important exporter for premium-quality walnut kernels. We value close contact with the local producers to ensure only the best quality for our customers.

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Cultivation and harvest of walnuts

The English walnut is also colloquially called the walnut tree. The popular walnuts are actually the fruit kernels from this tree. From a botanical standpoint, walnut kernels are defined as nut fruits. The tree can reach a height of up to 25 metres and an age of up to 160 years. The fruit kernels vary substantially in terms of their appearance. A range of information about walnuts can therefore be found in the specialist literature. Their shape is round, oval or even egg-like. They measure up to eight centimetres in length and up to five centimetres in width. In Central Europe, the fruits ripen between September and October, while in California the harvest period lasts somewhat longer, from August to November. Once the fruit is ripe, the shell bursts and the nuts fall to the ground. After the walnuts are gathered, they are dried. This reduces the risk of mould, softens the bitterness of the nut and accentuates the aromatic flavour of the walnut. The water content is lowered to a maximum of eight percent, while the weight is cut in half. As a result, wholesale walnuts have a shelf life of several months. We are able to offer walnuts in Germany in the wholesale trade all year round.

Nutrients in walnuts

The positive health benefits of walnuts for the body were prized even by the ancient Romans, who established the cultivation of the plant in large swathes of Europe. Today, modern studies show that the nut is rich in vitamins and minerals. Consuming walnuts thus conveys many benefits and has a very positive influence on the body. For example, walnuts affect mental performance, help maintain good health and physical abilities in old age and even reduce the risk of certain kinds of cancer, such as prostate and breast cancer. While omega-3 fatty acids impede tumour growth, the antioxidants contained slow this growth down. With a protein content of around 14 percent, walnuts are an ideal source of protein for people with vegetarian or vegan diets. Due to the high calorie content of around 660 kilocalories per 100 grams, only consumption in moderation is recommended – as is the case for most nut kernels. As a rule of thumb, a handful of walnuts a day is plenty.


Stress, tobacco consumption and other negative influences can result in free radicals forming in our bodies. They prevent cell renewal and can therefore lead to aging. Antioxidants counteract this process and protect against a range of diseases associated with free radicals. These include cancer and arteriosclerosis. The name of these nutrients comes from their effect of preventing oxidative processes. Walnuts contain large quantities of antioxidants beneficial to health. 

LDL cholesterol

LDL cholesterol is also colloquially referred to as “bad cholesterol”. It acts as a transporter of fat and has a unhealthy effect on our bodies. Large amounts of cholesterol accumulate in arteries and can lead to calcification. Studies show that regular consumption of walnuts helps lower cholesterol levels.

Omega-3 fatty acids

The contents of walnuts also include an array of unsaturated fatty acids. Our bodies are unable to produce these acids themselves and are therefore dependent on intake through diet. This type of fatty acid has a range of health benefits for our bodies and contributes to maintaining blood sugar levels, unimpeded heart function and the inhibition of arterial inflammations, for example. Compared to other nuts, omega-3 fatty acid content in walnuts is particularly high. An alternative term for this fatty acid is alpha linolenic acid.

Other vitamins

Walnut kernels contain numerous vitamins including vitamin E. This vitamin is thought to have anti-aging properties and reduces skin wrinkling. Moreover, our bodies also absorb a number of B vitamins from walnuts. 100 grams of walnut kernels contain around 35 micrograms of biotin, previously known as B7. A deficiency in this vitamin can manifest itself in muscle pain, lack of appetite or fatigue. The vitamin biotin is responsible for our amino and fatty acid metabolism, among other functions. Vitamins B1 and B6 are likewise present in useful quantities.

Walnuts are rich in minerals such as potassium, zinc, magnesium, iron and calcium. They have a positive effect on the transmission of stimuli in the muscles and heart, as well as on physical performance. A healthy immune system and wound recovery are also promoted by consuming these minerals.

Walnuts from wholesaler August Töpfer & Co.

Walnuts from wholesaler August Töpfer & Co. are characterised by a particularly high quality at fair prices. With our many years of experience we can help you choose the right product based on your specifications and documents.

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Buy walnuts shelled or unshelled

Natural walnuts are suitable for pure consumption and as an addition to sweet and savoury recipes. For instance, the nut makes for a great topping in salads, yoghurts and muesli and can be used in bread and other baked goods. In hearty dishes, walnuts provide a touch of variety due to their crunchy consistency. Plus, they add lots of nutrients to recipes and help give a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

In the wholesale trade, you can buy walnuts in the shell. To open them more easily, soak the product in hot water for around 24 hours. It will then be much easier to remove the nut from the shell. Naturally, the comprehensive range available from August Töpfer & Co. also includes walnuts without the shell, so this work is already done for you. Organic walnuts are also available wholesale. These are free from additives and cultivated without the use of pesticides, artificial fertilisers or genetic engineering. Whole or chopped walnut kernels are highly versatile and can be used in various dishes, such as pasta, salad, bread and other baked goods.

Candied walnuts

“Black walnuts” are actually candied walnuts. To produce them, unripe, green nuts are harvested and soaked over several weeks. They then continue to ripen in a sugar syrup with spices. This process gives the black nuts their characteristic colour. Black walnuts are a speciality and popular garnish for sweet and savoury dishes.

Walnut flour

To make this product, nuts are fully or partially de-oiled. The walnut kernels are then ground. Walnut flour can be used for a wide range of applications. It can be processed into popular baked goods and replaces around ten percent of the quantity of flour stated in the recipe. What’s more, walnut flour gives muesli, sauces, yoghurt or cremes a delicate walnut flavour. With gluten intolerances becoming more common, nut flour is a gluten-free and aromatic alternative. In addition, walnut kernel flour contains more protein as well as lots of vitamins and minerals. Walnut oil is also highly popular and suitable for use in salads, for example.

Storing walnuts correctly

When you buy walnuts wholesale, it is important to consider the right quantities, packaging units as well as the shelf life of the walnuts. If mould forms on the product, this indicates the presence of aflatoxins harmful to health. To ensure the stated shelf life, the right storage place is key. It should be as cool and dry as possible. In the case of opened packaging, the shelf life is shortened to around four weeks. If you buy walnut flour, a dry storage location is particularly critical to prevent the product from clumping.

Our walnuts are certified:

Buy walnuts online from August Töpfer & Co.

The traditional, Hamburg-based company August Töpfer & Co. is a comprehensive provider in the food and non-food sector. We are among the leading importers of various nut kernels and have been maintaining direct, close contact with producers in the countries of origin for decades. This allows us to offer walnuts at wholesale prices and deliver high quality to our customers. Since we handle the packing process in addition to importing, we are able to check the quality on site and guarantee compliance with delivery dates. When you buy walnut kernels from August Töpfer & Co., we provide you with assistance and check which walnuts from the wholesaler are best suited to your needs based on your specifications and documents.
